Seattle Public 学校

The Creative Advantage

Introducing the School Arts Plan to Staff


Start with an art-making activity

Demonstrate how even a short arts making experience can warm up people for learning and support important student habits such as creativity, communication and collaboration.

以下是向员工介绍艺术计划时可以使用的两个示例活动.  Both come from the book,抓住火: An Art-Full Guide to Unleashing the Creative Power of Youth, Adults, and Communities by Peggy Taylor and Charlie Murphy.  这是在秋季艺术团队启动会议上提供给每个艺术团队的书.

视觉艺术活动: Pass Around Drawing
Theatre Activity: This Is Not A…


Theatre Activity: This Is Not A…

这是一个简单的, fun theatre activity you could use in a staff meeting before introducing your staff to the Arts Plan.  这是从书中摘录的,抓住火: An Art-Full Guide to Unleashing the Creative Power of Youth, Adults, and Communities by Peggy Taylor and Charlie Murphy.  这是在秋季艺术团队启动会议上提供给每个艺术团队的书. 从205-209页 抓住火.

This starter game is low risk and lots of fun.


材料: A variety of simple objects, one for each group.  For example, stick, water bottle, magic marker.


  1. 让人们以8到12人为一组,每组有一个组长.  这是一个循环游戏,所以每个人都有机会按顺序玩.
  2. The leaders (A) holds the stick (or other object) and says, “This is not a stick, 它是另一个人造物体——麦克风, 例如].  They then demonstrates using the stick as a microphone, making appropriate motions and sound effects.
  3. 然后领队把棍子递给他们左边的人(B).
  4. B repeats the leader’s demonstration of the microphone copying their movement and sound  as accurately as possible while 说, “This is not a microphone.” They then give the stick another identity, 说, “This is a [fill in the blank – say, a pair of scissors with movement and sound then passes it the stick to the person on their left.And you continue around the circle.


Encourage players to use exaggerated movements and sound to demonstrate their objects.  Getting the body and voice into the action helps people let go of their self-consciousness.  要求参与者尽可能准确地模仿他们面前的人.  If a participant tells you all their ideas have been taken, remind them that the stick can be anything and does not have to be limited by its actual size and shape.  只有一个标准:你不能重复任何已经做过的事情.


Title: Dynamic Understandings

纪律 :戏剧-文化融合(可以修改为其他内容领域)
年级(s) : K-12 (modify for K-2)
长度 : 30-60分钟

: Students show their understanding of a piece 的文本 or concept through vocal and physical expression while exploring the 21st century skills of communication and collaboration.

Enduring Understanding 
: 这些核心理解在课堂之外具有持久的价值. The arts are a means for communication.
至关重要的问题 : 一个刺激的问题,促进探究,理解和学习的转移. 艺术家们如何以及为什么要一起做出选择来创作一幅戏剧性的作品?

: What I want my students to know and be able to do.

  • 创建一个动态的演示,代表文本部分的关键思想.
  • Present essential words and phrases with a beginning/ending freeze; at least one choral word/phrase; and at least one sound effect.

华盛顿 State K-12 Arts Learning Standards:

  • 标准1:产生和概念化艺术思想和作品.
  • 标准6:通过艺术作品的呈现来传达意义.

华盛顿 State K-12 ELA Learning Standards:

  • ccs.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.R.1: Read closely to determine what 文本 says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from 文本.
  • ccs.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.LS.1: Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, 以别人的想法为基础,清晰而有说服力地表达自己的想法


  • 剧场:观众, 体型, 对话, 情感, 面部表情, 手势, 物理的选择, 表, 声音的选择
  • Literacy: character, evidence, inference
  • 21st Century Skills: collaboration, communication

材料 / Resources / Space:

• Slips of papers with text or highlight specific sections
• Open space for students to rehearse

Differentiation Strategies for Diverse Learners:

Additional supports that will enable all students to perform at their maximum ability.
individual student’s IEP or 504 • Glossary of terms with possible translations for ELL students
•为有特殊需要的学生提供额外的成人支持.g. English language learners,

Step One: Introduction
• Introduce the lesson: Reflecting on a piece 的文本 and synthesizing understandings by
creating a dynamic presentation that represents key ideas.
• Pair-share something that stood out to them.


• Explain the activity: Create a dynamic presentation that represents key ideas in a section
•解释活动的标准——学生创造什么来表达理解. 帖子
− Read 文本 before and after scene to help the audience understand and interpret
− Begin and end in a freeze
− Incorporate at least one movement or 手势
− Present essential words or phrases—at least one
− Say at least one choral word
different piece 的文本.

Step Three: Independent Practice

• Put students into groups (count-off, table groups, etc.)
• Pass out slips 的文本 to each group.
• Give students 10 minutes to communicate their interpretations and work collaboratively
to rehearse their piece.


• Each group presents their piece.


• After all the groups present reflect:

视觉艺术活动: Pass Around Drawing

这种视觉艺术活动帮助人们在视觉艺术中找到自己的流动.  It comes from the book, 抓住火: An Art-Full Guide to Unleashing the Creative Power of Youth, Adults, and Communities by Peggy Taylor and Charlie Murphy.  这是在秋季艺术团队启动会议上提供给每个艺术团队的书. 从第172-173页抓住火.

材料: 18″x24″ paper, crayons, oil pastels or markers


  1. 分成六人或八人一组围坐在桌子旁.  Give each person a blank piece of paper, and place oil pastels, crayons or markers in the center of the table.
  2. 让参与者闭上眼睛,想象他们感到快乐和有创造力的时刻.  让他们开始画一个代表那种感觉的图像吗.  Once the drawings have gotten started, ask everyone to pause.
  3. Preface the next instruction by 说, “我接下来要让你做的事情可能会让你感到不舒服, but please go along with it anyway.然后让人们把自己的照片传给左边的人.  现在每个人都可以在刚刚收到的新图片上添加图像,  After a minute or two call out, “Pass the picture to the left.”
  4. Ask people to imagine they are giving the originator of each drawing a gift as they add new images to each picture.  邀请他们使用文字和图像,但重点是图像.
  5. Once the pictures have gone all the way around the circle, each person adds some final touches, then looks at their picture and adds a short title.这个活动释放了大量的创造力,并产生了大量的快乐.  小组讨论过程并比较他们的照片,玩得很开心.  当然,真正的学习与通过艺术释放声音有关. (参见这个关于绘画如何影响写作技能的研究.)

Introduce the Arts Vision and Arts Action Plan

Distribute copies of the Arts Plan in advance to all staff and ask everyone to read in advance.  Also bring hard copies of the plan to the meeting for participants to review during the conversation.

介绍艺术团队成员,包括艺术团队负责人.  Have members of the Arts Team or larger faculty read elements of the School Arts Vision aloud. Then have participants look at the School Arts Plan and its major initiatives or goals.

Facilitate the Focused Conversation below, using a selection of questions that best fit your situation.


  • 当你回顾计划时,哪些单词或短语对你来说很突出?  [在房间里绕一圈,让每个人回答第一个问题.]
  • 对学校艺术愿景的要素有什么问题吗?
  • What goal stands out for you?
  • What catches your attention about the steps in the plan?
  • Who are some of the key players who will implement the plan?

Reflective questions:

  • What excites you about the plan?
  • 当我们看到这个计划的目标时,什么对我们来说是最容易的?
  • What will be more challenging to accomplish?

Interpretive questions:

  • Which elements of the Arts Vision and the Arts Plan might family members respond to most favorably?
  • 如果我们学校今年只能完成一件事,那会是什么?
  • 你对我们如何实现这一目标有什么见解?
  • What strengths or resources can we take advantage of in the next two years to build the arts at our school?

Decisional questions:

Document the answers to these questions.

  • What are some of the first steps we need to take as a staff?
  • What kind of support needs to be put in place to assist the teaching staff in implementing the Arts Plan?
  • What kind of structure (committee or scheduled check-in points) will help us to communicate and stay on track with the Arts Plan? (理想情况下, each arts Plan goal already has an identified point person who will shepherd the work forward. Consider having this person announce the goal, describe their excitement about it, and enlist volunteers to work with them. Record the names of new volunteers.] 
  • Who can we reach out to for help and support?
  • What does each of us need to do first?


In a follow-up email or a note in meeting minutes that are shared with all participants, recap the answers given to the decisional-level questions and remind everyone of the workgroup assignments and point people.


Here are some suggestions and ideas from principals who have completed school arts planning:

  • Use a full staff meeting soon after the plan completion.
  • Obtaining a critical mass is key to developing buy-in and advancing the plan in a sustainable way. 因此, it’s important to find a time to share information about the School Arts Plan when you have the whole staff together.
  • Provide staff with an initial arts experience (such as one of the arts activities from the PAL Catalyst Workshop Module). Then have staff debrief or reflect on the experience as a group so that the value of the activity becomes clear.
  • Have each Arts Team member who is a point person for an Arts Plan goal speak briefly about what they will be doing. Following the presentations, ask for volunteers from the staff to help with each area or project so that there is a small committee established for each goal (see Decisional questions).
  • Create momentum and make the plan common knowledge:
  • Create a display of the Arts Team members, 照片, bios, and some of the artwork they made at the Catalyst Workshop.
  • Incorporate your Arts Plan into grade-level or school improvement plan professional learning communities. Consider asking each grade level to come up with their own commitments in the arts for the year and to request appropriate professional development to support their commitments.
  • Introduce one action step per quarter or trimester.
  • Roll out the plan in small pieces. Maybe focus on only one goal at a time. 把某件事做好,而不是在太多的计划上浪费时间.
  • Include one arts experience at every staff meeting. 或者每年至少举行三次以艺术为主题的会议.
  • Pick low-hanging fruit. What’s already going on? 你如何在一个已经存在的领域或项目中迈出下一步?

Be explicit when speaking with staff

  • 承认这需要时间,并不是每个人一开始都会接受这项工作. 也许不是计划中的所有事情都能在头两年完成.
  • 要知道这是一个不断的杂耍行为,所有的校长都有优先考虑的事情.
  • Remind your staff regularly that arts education and the School Arts Plan are priorities, so that staff members maintain awareness and commitment.
  • Encourage everyone to work together, as well as to do the things each can do individually, 所以总的来说, 学校可以保证重要工作的完成或推进.